Thursday, May 6, 2010

East Coast of Florida VS West Coast of Florida

Being the novice boater that I am, I definetly have developed a comfort level with WIDE OPEN channels. Not the case on the East coast of Florida. This area reminded me more of being on a highway. I can see why there are boating accidents. This section of the Intercoastal is chaotic. I really need more experience before I venture in to this abyss again. The staff at the North Palm Beach Freedom Boat Club are fantastic. They suggested heading up the intercoastal and then taking an lnlet on the left after two bridges. This trip would bring us to Panama Hatties. The boat traffic was insane. Going slow was the only option. Unfortuantely a large cabin cruiser was having too much fun. The wake of their boat created such a trough that my husband and son while relaxing in the bow of the boat all of a sudden were completeley drenched. I then got the lecture about if I was going faster this would not have happened. Even though, I had no place to go but up the butt of the boat in front of me.... I decided to laugh and enjoy the fact that I am not an expert... oh well. Still a lot of fun, just a little more stressful then I would like.

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