Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hilton Head Plantation The Best View is From the Water

A big birthday happened to me this year and my real estate clients have been enjoying my present just as much as I have.
My family thought long and hard and decided a boat was what I would have wanted most… Correction: a boat is what they would have wanted most. But more than likely, I would have been overwhelmed with the upkeep and really had no desire to be a boat owner. To my surprise, they gave me the best gift ever - a membership to the Freedom Boat Club - which just so happens to be located in Hilton Head Plantation, an easy commute from my home.
I have to say, my palms were sweating at the thought of actually navigating a boat through the Intercoastal Waterway. Most of my real estate clients that had boats related numerous stories of running them aground (never underestimate the power of suggestion). So my first outing, nerves in check, I managed not to run aground due to the fantastic GPS. Next challenge - docking. Well, it took some getting used too, but I managed not to take out any pilings or docks. And this was just my first time out…
So my blog posts will be a “Captain’s Log” of wonderful adventures around Hilton Head Island. I have to say, there is nothing more exciting than trying a new activity - especially when it is boating and I will look forward to sharing the details of boating and exploring Hilton Head from the best vantage point there is - from the water.


  1. Glad that you haven't taken out any pilings or docks nor run aground!!!! Sounds like you are really a good navigator, Captain Paula!!! Just don't take Jack or me out with you or you are bound to have some unfortunate thing happen. We are the kiss of death on boats!! Doesn't matter who we go out with there is suddenly a DRAMA!! So we will wave good bye from the shore. LOL!!

  2. Lucy looks so cute out in the BIG BOAT!!!!

  3. Great to hear from you.... landlubber.....
