Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Freedom Boat Club Captain’s Blog - Destination Windmill Harbor

Clients that are friends… friends that are clients.
For me, this is one of those “which came first - the chicken or the egg.” Reflecting back on this summer, the Freedom Boat Club has afforded me three things.
1. The ability to learn something new that brings new challenges every time I venture from the dock; that in its self is an adrenaline rush.

2. Amazing fun times with my kids and their friends (even though the only reason I may be involved is because Freedom Boat Club requires an adult drive their boats - thank you Freedom Boat Club)

3. The enjoyment of taking clients and friends on what they describe as the high point of their vacation.

Destination Windmill Harbor
Joining me on this wonderful outing were Joanne and Michael Parent and Kimberly and John Goulding. The Parents kindly invited us to have brunch at the South Carolina Yacht Club. Getting there from Skull Creek Marina is an easy ride south on the intercoastal water way. You must call ahead to the Harbourmaster of Windmill Harbor. Keep in mind, only Yacht Club members can do this - ah, the privileges of membership.

Being a novice boater and having two sets of clients/friends with me, I wanted to be careful as I navigated my boat. But entering the lock system at Windmill Harbour can be intimadating. You have to maintain enough speed to beat the current but not too much, otherwise you will crash in to the lock…thank goodness Michael has done this many times.

Ropes were cast down to us once we were given clearance to enter the lock. Gradually the water level was made even with inside the harbor. The gates opened to the entrance of Windmill Harbor. Our eyes were delighted by the pastel colored homes all perfectly pristine with coordinating shutters. Glistening white yachts blinded you with their mirror image off the shimmering water.

Once inside the lock, there was no current to negotiate, which made for my kind of boating. I circled in front of the Yacht Club as if I had done this many times before… what a fantastic feeling! Walking up the impressive entrance of the South Carolina Yacht Club one can’t help but be awestruck approaching the massive front porch. The bright blues and yellow hues that fill the dining rooms highten the expectation. We were so impressed with the lavious buffet. If you get the chance to have brunch there, come hungry, you will be in for an amazing, memorable meal. I can’t wait to go back…

Although, I have shown property in Windmill Harbor on numerous occasions, seeing it from the water side is definitely the “Best View”.

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