Monday, November 2, 2009

Captain's Blog- Palmetto Bluff

Destination Palmetto Bluff.
Leaving Skull Creek Marina head south down the intercoastal water way. Pass the entrance to the Windmill Harbor lock, coming up on your starboard side will be the entrance to the May river.
Your GPS is vitally important when navigating up the May river. If you travel on low tide you will be able to see the many sandbars. On high tide you may think you can travel straight up the May river and be safe. NOT TRUE. The May river resembles a lazy S. You will start on the far left side to enter than proceed diagonally toward the right shore. When you reach the power lines bear to the left side.
In doing so, this will set you clear of what is affectionately referred to as the RED NECK Riviera. This area is a huge sand bar. Locals can be seen here all summer long barbequing, sunbathing and just having good ole fun….
To enter Palmetto Bluff you can either continue to go straight to the end of the May, then bear right or you can take the right at the sand bar being careful to hug the left side about 50 feet from the left shore.
Again GPS is critical for navigating this area. Once passed this area bear left at to buoy and park your boat on the middle dock the one next to the white church.
Palmetto Bluff, is an exquisite community. Deep in history. Enjoy lunch on the porch of the Inn (no reservations required) or Buffalos.
If you would like to view property at Palmetto Bluff , I would be delighted to show you!